Chemical Plants : Collecting Critical Data in Hazardous Areas
Chemical Plants are inherently dangerous do to the Hazardous elements they use and produce. In such environments safety is always a primary concern. Whether corrosive, flammable, reactive, carcinogen or all of the above, minimizing field time and keeping a safe distance is the safest way to work and operate in any hazardous environment.
Traditionally designers and engineers would climb in and around structures with a tape measure, a plumb-bob and note pad. Sketching P&ID’s with basic measurements in the field is time consuming, inaccurate and dangerous. If additional cumbersome PPE and slicker suites if required, can significantly slow down the work and compromise accuracy.
Today laser scanning is fast, accurate and has a range of over 1000ft. Mainly working from grade, avoiding drips, puddles and vapor clouds, critical dimensions can be measured in a matter of seconds from a safe location. Scan cloud data is captured in a matter of hours. Digital Twin models generated in less than 2 weeks and site visits by designers are reduced to a bare minimum. Having a digital replica of the site on their desk allows for faster design time, reduced rework and minimal exposure to hazardous process areas.